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Priyadarshini Park & Sports Complex
Tennis clubs and academies in Mumbai
Priyadarshini Park & Sports Complex
Tennis clubs and academies in Mumbai
Priyadarshini Park is not a formal garden. It is a park with a rural ambience. It blends sports with nature, including sea. It is an effort to feel calm and feel the presence of God, through nature. - B. A. Desai Every inch of this 20-acre park is a result of decades of struggle and determination. In fact, more than a park, it has become a testament to the power of the people - to keep this heart of Mumbai beating. For over 30 years, PDP has served as a recreational space, sports & fitness complex and a refuge for Mumbaikars of all ages. We invite you to discover how this park overcame the most impossible odds to become a truly historic landmark. From a lunar pit to a people's park, trace the story of Priyadarshini Park & Sports Complex through over 4 decades.
Contact Info
L Jagmohandas Marg, Malabar Hill
9323463772, 022 23637186
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L Jagmohandas Marg, Malabar Hill
9323463772, 022 23637186
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