Twenty2yards is a specialized cricket academy, where we offer open as well as closed In-house cricket coaching, which runs throughout the year. The state-of-the-art facilities like bowling machine, video analysis, covered net facility and assorted wickets, keeps us one step ahead in our progress towards making better players, both technically and strategically.
twenty2yards' core competency is to focus on an individual player analysis, laying down their training needs and creation of tailor-made Performance Development Programs (PDP). Players get the benefits of highly experienced and qualified coaches and trainers of the country.
Our training faculties include pride names of Maharashtra Cricket and holds formidable records and experience in cricket coaching arena. The motto of our trainers is to horn individual skills along with building fundamental values, game ethics and positive attitude, which are the crucial tasks for the continuous growth and development.
At twenty2yards we are looking at holistic development of an individual for which passion, desire to improve skills, competency and game enjoyment are the only prerequisites to enroll. Take up your chance to reach pinnacle of your potential in our specialized, unique and inspirational cricket academy.
Contact Info
Sr.No. 52/C, Dagade-Patil Nagar, Opp. Pinnacle Brookside, Mumbai-Bangalore Bypass Highway, Bavdhan Khurd
9823410444, 9689683444